Mushroom Powder Experiment

In a post by “Fern and Fungi” they talked about making mushroom powder. I had a container of dried mushrooms from Costco and it gave me the idea to try it myself! The mushrooms were different and I didn’t forage them myself but I was hoping to make something similar. More to add the mushroom flavor I love to our food more than anything else with these particular mushrooms. My plan is to add the powder to sauces, bread, soups, etc. I already use the liquid used to rehydrate these mushrooms in meals so why not add it all?

Screenshots I took:

I thought the mushrooms might not be dry enough to powder and it was suggested in a group I help run that I dry them more. I decided to precut them with scissors before I did this to get them dried more evenly in smaller bits. However, I found most crumbling with the rough handling and scissors. So instead I added maybe 1 cup or so at a time to our Vitamix to blend and blended it on high. Emptying after each cup of whole pieces. Worked great! I’d say if you wanted it finer you could sift it but this works for us.

The bit left in this container made quite a bit of powder! I think this will last us longer than throwing in a bunch of mushrooms when I need a last minute addition to a meal. It also made the mushrooms more versatile in a sense instead of just a chewy ingredient in a typical soup or stir fry.

I’m hoping this year to forage more for mushrooms (come on morels!) and buy locally at farmers markets to dry myself for future powders. Making the powder much more nutritional than just for taste. This was a super easy and simple way to get started though! Just watch out for clouds of powder when you take the blender lid off!

I included pictures of the container of mushrooms I purchased at the end for those curious. Not the ideal mushrooms for anything other than good flavor. I put some in leftover soup tonight along with dried nettle and it deepened the flavor and made it more rich. Very satisfying dish!